Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Elephants and Water Buck

Follow the leader... but keep your distance.
Male bush buck
Two young elephants stumble over the bank ...
on the way down to the river for a drink.
Two elephants were giving themselves dust baths.
Water bucks
Two water buck greet each other.
A water monitor.
A hoopee.
 Wednesday, April 26th.

Off on another drive at 6am. We came across a bachelor group of elephants and walking down the road. We followed them at a distance so as not to provoke them, but the rear one kept checking us out. We stopped to see some bushbuck and by the time we started again the elephants had left the road. We saw the other regulars like giraffe, impala and bushbuck, but so far no big cats here. Timo, our resident self proclaimed photography and wildlife expert spotted an African wild cat just as it killed a dwarf mongoose. He definitely has the eye for spotting things and the talent for getting great shots, aided by the biggest lens in camp. We also saw a water monitor (a type of lizard), which was about a metre long. When we got back there was some free time to edit and then after lunch an hour long presentation by Timo on the use of back light in photos. Then it was relax and happy hour time. A group of us sat at the bar and enjoyed a few beers and a lot of laughs before our second t-bone dinner night. I got talking to Madeline who is one of the photography assistants. She has worked here for six months and next week will return to the US where she works on a huge tourist ranch in Wyoming. She is in charge of the hundred plus horses. She also used to play polo and managed a polo team. Then I talked to Ulisa, from Cape Town, who is the camp coordinator here. She used to lead overland trips like the one I took through East Africa. She had also done a lot of conservation and anti poaching work. I like talking to people who have chosen different paths in life other than the expected family route. I was very tired and in bed by 8:30 as the early mornings are tiring.

1 comment:

  1. What with the change in time zone and all the early starts, it's no wonder you are ready for early bedtime. At least your weather seems to be holding up. Here in North York, the spring monsoons are with us, cool and rainy. Not at all inspiring to get out for walking or cycling. I'll pretend to tag along on your game drives.
