Friday, April 28, 2023

Cape Buffalo and White Backed Vultures

Driving through the bushvelt.
A large herd of Cape Buffalo.
A young one trying to nurse as mom walks with the herd.
Are you winking at me?
A bluffing elephant coming down the road towards us.
Helmeted Guinea Fowl
A pair of white backed vultures mating.

Two bee eaters, one with a dragonfly in its beak.
 Friday, April 28th.

This morning we saw elephants, impala, vultures, a large herd of Cape buffalo and a flock of cattle egrets that were following them. This was the last game drive for Dylan who is leaving and he was eager to tell us about a few different trees. We were all watching him as he got out of the truck and walked around to the left side and began to tell us about a certain type of tree, when I spotted a large elephant coming down the road straight as us. It was strutting along and trying to intimidate us, but after Dylan got back in the truck the elephant wandered off the road and began to eat some leaves, so I guess a snack beats bullying. We also saw a mating pair of white backed vultures in a dead tree. It was a very warm day today and we just hung around the pool and enjoyed a couple of cool ones. We were in bed early as we had a drive booked for 5:30 with Daisy the driver.


  1. You continue to surprise me with the variety of animals you are seeing. Sounds like you're having a great time, despite the pre-dawn starts to your day. That part doesn't sound like a vacation! Relaxing poolside with a beer or two, now that is more like it.
