Saturday, April 29, 2023

Birds and Critters

Cape turtle dove.
Long-tailed paradise whydah
A goshawk.
A large golden orb spider.
Matt shooting butterflies.
One of the area's ancient eroded mountains.
The amazing dung beetle.
Having a drink as...
he crosses the river.
Taken from our camp.

Saturday, April 29th.

Spotty night’s sleep as the three young lads in our room didn’t have to get up early and were partying late and coming in noisily. However, we were up and off on a 5-hour game drive with Daisy today as a replacement drive for the four of us who had hoped to go to Kruger this weekend, but unfortunately the park was booked up as it was a holiday weekend here. The drive was quite quiet but as always it is nice just to drive through the reserves looking and hoping to see different things. We did see klipspringers, a goshawk, impala, elephants and a dung beetle rolling a ball of dung away to bury it and lay an egg in it so the larvae to have a ready source of food. We had our coffee break beside a sight where the rangers had dumped a small elephant carcass that was killed by an train a couple of months ago. There were bones laying around, lots of vulture feathers and it still smelled a bit rank. We got back to camp by 11. After lunch I had a three hour much needed nap. The rest of the day was spent sorting photos, emailing, blogging and reading. After dinner Bruce and I hung out at the bar for a bit before bed.


  1. More nice bird photos Joe. You've reminded me I need to fill my bird feeder today.

  2. Gorgeous sunset Joe!!!
