Friday February 4th. Another long day on the truck. Today and tomorrow are basically just to get back to Nairobi. It rained during the night, so putting the tent away was wet and muddy.
We drove for a long time, making a couple of relief stops, before we got to the border of Kenya. It was the usually chaotic place. I can't believe how much business goes on between the two countries. There are money changers (who change your Kenyan shillings to Ugandan shillings or vice versa), hawkers who are trying to sell you anything. I saw a guy trying to sell dress pants, of the dozens he had draped over his arm, to a truck driver. There are always long lines of trucks waiting, and waiting and waiting. Passenger vehicles, thankfully have the right of way. Luckily I did not have to pay for another visa into Kenya. We had heard that our trip into Rwanda would negate our visas in all of East Africa, but actually only in Uganda.
Then we continued our drive to Eldoret where we stopped for an ATM. John and I couldn't find one, so Joseph walked us about a kilometre down the road to find one that would accept our cards. Finally have some cash for the tips for the guides and for the next couple of days in Kenya.
We arrived at Niaberi River Overlanders Campground in Eldoret about six o'clock. We stayed here once before on day 42.
Just time to set up, shower, charge things, update and back up John's pictures before dinner.
Had a great pork chop dinner and then we said thanks to our guides and gave the their tips. They thanked us too for being an easy going group. Then we went to the bar for a last get together. And then bed in a chilly tent. Last night in the tent.
That looks like a totally safe method to transport a bunch of kids! But fun! I bet you appreciate your truck a lot more when you see the alternatives! Hmmm...could you ride your bike through Africa? That would cause a stir!