Thursday, July 24, 2014

Spelling Test and Co-tutor Dinner

Thursday, July 24th.
Today we continued with our workshops. I picked up an extra one explaining how to use books for more than just reading and how to create books. The schools here have very few books and need more. So we were trying to give them ideas on how they could create their own, ie, teachers write them, students write them or make books from pictures from magazines, etc. Peter Mandaba explained to them how the new readers that they are being given were written by local teachers and printed and distributed by GNAT.

Angela and Leah took their group outside to play a game where everyone had to hold hands in a circle and then the leader would lead their hand partners through others by going under or over their arms and weaving through the group until it became a knot of people who could not move anymore. Then without letting go of hands they had to untangle themselves. Again they loved the games.
Lyle had all the participants stand up in a line and told them he was going to give them a spelling test. “Notice you have no paper or pen to spell with. All you have is...” and here he half turned and slapped his butt! The teachers were really surprised but laughed loudly. Lyle demonstrated by spelling his name using only his fanny. Then he had a competition with the best ‘speller’ getting a prize. They absolutely loved it!
The rest of the day proceeded on the same schedule as last week.
This evening we had our co-tutor dinner at our hotel. It was another success as we celebrated with Patrick, Victoria, Clara and Elsie.

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