Friday, June 1, 2018

A Train Journey

The local temple.
The Kalaw Market.
and some of the faces of the people.

 This is a Honda, but not sure why the engine is exposed.
 Our train arrives.
 Views from the ride.

Friday, June 1st.

I had the great breakfast special before heading out to explore Kalaw for a couple of hours. I walked into town and saw the main temple, which has yet another variation on the theme. This one is covered in sparkling glass tiles.

Then I walked to the local market. I spent a couple of hours here wandering around, watching the people and hunting for faces. Then it began to sprinkle so I headed back to the hotel.

At 12:45 we were picked up by our guide Michel, from yesterday, who took us all to the train station. We waited about 45 minutes before the train showed up but seeing as it was billed in the itinerary as a ‘slow train’ this didn’t seem wrong. We were warned by Pu Pu that the train wasn’t particularly clean and to avoid the toilets. We boarded and after the conductor found our seats we settled in for the three hour ride. I had a window seat and watched as the scenery crawled by. We drove through towns, farmer’s fields, forests, and hillsides.

When we finally arrived we were picked up and taken to the Paradise Hotel where we will stay for two nights. We checked in and then had dinner at the hotel restaurant. Then back to the room to get ready for tomorrow.

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