Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 14 Back to Cairo

Saturday April 2nd

Got up early this morning and sat on the beach watching the sun come up over Saudi Arabia. Then I had breakfast (muesli) and waited on the beach for our van. We set off about 8:30 after the driver loaded up our stuff. We got about a half hour out and I had already realized he didn't load up my water bottle, but then I realized he left my MEC fleece behind too. So I told Sam and we turned around to go get it. Oops, that wasted an hour, but I didn't want to loose my sweater.

The drive through the Sinai was beautiful. I love desert scenery. When we got close to Cairo traffic became a nightmare. Two lanes of highway going in one direction all of a sudden became four lanes and at times five! as they drove on shoulders and everywhere else. It's incredible to see the way they drive, the things that go on, from animals carts on the road, to people changing tires on the road, to buses stopping to pick up people on the highway, etc. etc.

We finally arrived at the hotel at four. I stayed in the lobby and talked to Sam for a half hour before he got a ride to go to his mother's house. He was a great guide and I really enjoyed his company.

After that I went to the internet cafe to read my 41 e-mails! Then I went to dinner at the restaurant where I had the pizza pie a couple of weeks ago. I ordered a different one and a rice pudding and talked to young English women who had just finished an 8 day GAP trip through Egypt. It was the same trip I was supposed to take but got cancelled because of the revolution. Then back to the cafe again to talk to Peter and my family, before calling it a night.


  1. Official Nomad Joe (tm.) AnnouncerApril 3, 2011 at 3:47 AM

    Sounds like it was a great trip in Egypt and Sinai!

    Stay tuned for more exciting adventures as Nomad Joe(tm) travels to the steaming jungles of the exotic Indian Subcontinent.

    Hold on to your turbans as teawalla Joe is first let loose in the swinging town of Delhi!!

    The question of high society gossip is "Who's Sari Now"??

  2. Another great adventure Joe
    Pictures are amazing and this history is astounding
    Your guest narrator is quite something ----where did you find him??
    ( thanks for the laughs Peter)

    Your chariot ( or whatever ) awaits you in Delhi---I hope

  3. Official Nomad Joe (tm.) AnnouncerApril 3, 2011 at 8:14 PM

    An adventure such as this that has taken many years of careful planning, could not happen without the tireless support of our friendly travel professionals such as Denise.

    As Denise is famous for saying to her grateful clients,
    "I'll get you a fair fare from here to there"

    Let's hear it for Denise!!! (more applause)

    More after this commercial break.......

  4. Hey Peter! you are breaking me up!
    Hey Joe! India, Holy CoW!

  5. Careers in Call CentresApril 4, 2011 at 11:03 PM

    Hey Joe,

    Buddy could you pick me up a couple of applications?


  6. Thanks Joe, I really enjoyed your company too.
    Enjoy the rest of your tour..

