Sunday September 18. Got up and started out towards Canada. Took my time on a leisurely route before driving through Buffalo to Fort Erie. The border crossing was a breeze, no lineups, no tough questions. Good to be back in Canada. Rode to St. Catherines and then phoned Peter to see if Toni, Jess and him would like some company for the evening.
I arrived in Paris, about four. Swapped some stories, had a delicious dinner, played cards and had a very enjoyable time.
This morning I woke up about 7:30, read for a bit, before waking Peter up about 9. We talked over breakfast and then I left Paris about 10:30.
Easy uneventful drive to Toronto. Arrived by 12:15 and after talking to Danny, Atilla, and Tomo briefly, I headed down to Wilkit Creek Park to run the 10k Terry Fox Run with Carol. Good to see I was still able to do it!
That's it. That's all she wrote. So after 47 days, 47 differents motels and beds, 17 states, 20,000 thousand kilometers, (12,000 miles), innumerable twists, turns, switchbacks, mountain passes, dozens of parks, meeting lots of wonderful people, seeing thousands of amazing things (and bringing back pictures of most of them!), some amazing hikes, and most importantly: about a total of one hour of rain in all that time - I'm home.
Could I have gone longer? Yes! I enjoyed it immensely and would gladly do it again. I enjoyed my own company, didn't get lonely or homesick and there is still lots of things to see out west!
I want to thank my partner in this ride, without whom I could not have done it: the Yamaha 1100 Silverado was a dream to ride, presented no problems in any way, did everything I asked of it, was very comfortable ( I only had to fluff up my cheeks a couple of times!) and only had to be reshoed once! It never complained it was tired, or hot or cold, or didn't want to go where I wanted to. I bought this bike especially for this trip and it did not disappoint in any way. Who could ask for a better partner.
I want to thank all of you who followed along, especially those who took the time to write a little response or say hi. It's really appreciated after a long day's ride and you are alone in a motel room. It was good to hear from people and I appreciated the comments. So, thanks for that.
Now I have about 10 days to organize a bunch of things before the next adventure!
Welcome home Joe
ReplyDeleteIt was a blast following you along the way!
I was just about to start the Terry Fox 10km run when this sunburnt biker shows up at Sunnybrook Park to join me. Still clad in all his biking gear and with his bags attached to the bike, he tears off all his gear and puts on running shoes, a running shirt and shorts. For a guy who has been away for 47 days, he was sure able to run at at a pretty good pace and I struggled to keep up with him!! It was good to see you again, Joe, and great to hear some of your stories. Welcome home...for a short time anyway. Thanks for the amazing blog and the outstanding pictures. Enjoyed the whole ride through your blog!!
ReplyDeleteJoe, glad you made it home safe and sound. We did, too, with bittersweet feelings coming home to our rainy Pacific NW. Thanks for the blog postings. I'll fwd to Wayne. After reading about your ride up the Million Dollar Hwy in Colorado, that one's going on our list of scenic hwys to ride for sure. If you ever find yourself in the Pacific NW or near Bellingham where we live, we'd love to see you as we're right by Chuckanut Drive, WA State HWY 11, a fine scenic hwy in it's own right. Take care, --Laura Mackenzie & Wayne Gerner
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you are back, and had such a great time.
ReplyDeleteBut where is your next journey?
Great stuff Joe. Welcome home.
ReplyDeleteHey Joe,
ReplyDeleteWelcome home! Even if it was only for a few days. It was great to see you. I'm looking forward to hearing about your next adventures. I'm sure you'll find some exciting company along the way:)
Take care,
Joe, I have been reading your blog. I think you should write a book about your adventures. The pictures (and your stories) are unbelievable. You are definitely a chick magnet - even little old ladies can't resist you.
ReplyDeleteIt was great to see you yesterday. And remember these words by ....... "Is it safe and does it look safe?"
P.S. Mario asked me to ask you what the Admin password is for the computers when they are locked.
Smooch, smooch
Love Lena