Wednesday, October 23, 2019

And Away We Go!

Wednesday, October 23rd.

SO! This is it. Finally, after booking it months ago and thinking, talking, planning, paying and packing for it, it is about to unfold. The day of launch. We are not only heading off to the last of the seven continents, but probably into the internet and phone free zone. I suspect that we will not have access anywhere and that I will be incommunicado for the next three weeks. Therefore I will send my best wishes to everyone and will be in touch as soon as I can. A very happy birthday to Lucy on November 13th.

Here is the link to the trip for anyone interested in following along:

I heard about the Canadian election here in Uruguay on the BBC. I think that perhaps we dodged a bullet. Let's hope things go smoothly for a while.

Cheers Joe and John


  1. Hope you guys are having fun!

  2. Welcome Back to the mainland!!! looking forward to the pictures

  3. Postcard picture? The first pic, not the second (not to say you both don't look good)

    Looks amazing!
