Saturday, May 19, 2018

Back to Bangkok

 The earthquake damaged the building and they were jackhammering it to pieces starting with the roof.
 You can see damage in this old building too.
 My Belgium room mate Rob.
 Paul, Yannick and Goran, all from Melbourne.

Saturday, May 19th.
Rob and I got up early and got ourselves organized. Then we had breakfast with Andrew and Joanne. I finished my packing and said my goodbyes to a great guy and an easy room mate, Rob. Yannick and I took a local taxi to the airport, where we met up with my airplane friend Goran and another guy he had met on his Tibet trip, Paul. All three of them are from the Melbourne area. We sat and talked and shared our experiences for the two hours we had to kill before our flight. Yannick and I sat together on the flight to Bangkok and talked about all manner of things. He is an energetic, fun and upbeat guy. 
We arrived at about 7:00. I went in search of an English speaking taxi driver, so that I could explain what I wanted to do. I needed to go back to the Park Plaza Hotel to pick up my new debit card which had finally arrived from Canada and they were holding for me, and then I needed him to drive me back to the Regent hotel I had booked near the airport for the night. I found a driver who understood and we agreed on a price. The trip to each hotel took about 45 minutes and I finally arrived at the Regent at about 9:00, card in hand. I checked in and got ready for another early flight the next day.

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