Monday, December 18, 2017

Cape Town and Cape Base

 The Green Point Market relocated.

 A couple of interesting sites.

 GP at work.
GP, Nancy and I again.

Monday, December 18th.
This morning I spent a few hours catching up on all the days that I have been unable to post over the last week or so.

In the afternoon I decided to go for a walk to an area that GP and Nancy had recommended and to visit them at Base Camp. I got a map from the hostel and when I examined it I discovered where the Green Point Market had been relocated and it was en route. So I walked for about an hour on yet another very windy day into the heart of the city. At the market I was looking for a pair of sunglasses that Jay had been wearing on our tour. They are quite colourful as they have the South African flag on the frames. I looked at many stalls, but no luck. Then one guy asked what I was looking for. He told me to wait there and he took off. This is the same thing as in Ghana. If the guy doesn't have what you want he knows who does and he will go get it for you. Sure enough he came back with a pair but the price was way too much, partly because he wants to make money over whatever the other guy has charged him. I told him thanks but no thanks. Then of course he gets upset as he has done me a 'favour'. Thus begins the cat and mouse game of haggling. I got them for half of what he originally asked and still paid too much, but I had been looking for them for the last three weeks and this was my last day. It turns out they were originally made for the 2010 World Cup that took place here. So I have a pair, at last.

From there I made my way to Gadventures Base Camp where I met up with GP and Nancy again and they gave me a tour of the place. I also met the parents of the G guide I met a few days ago and said 'hi' from their son (as he asked me to). They were busy so we had a coffee and then I left. I offered to buy them dinner after work.

On the way back to the hostel I walked through the pathway called the Company's Garden. This is a green space walkway through the city centre where local office workers have their lunch breaks and many peddlers set up their stalls and sell all manner of things from toys for Christmas to fruit. I bought a bag of lechee and sat in the park enjoying them and the sun.

Eventually I made my way back and did some more blogging while I waited to hear from GP. They emailed me to say they would be there in an hour. When I went to my room I discovered the other two girls were gone and it looks like I have the room to myself.

When they got there they drove to the Sea Point area and a restaurant called Soltano. We had a couple of drinks and I treated myself to a rack of Karoo lamb. We had a great time talking about the travel industry, Cape Town and other parts of the world. They are a lovely couple who are very passionate about Gadventures and the business. It is great to be able to talk to them about the business from the other side. We will meet again, probably in Toronto.

When I got back to the hostel I found I had a new room mate. He is a 37 year old American from Kalamazoo, Michigan named Ross who works in health care. We talked for about two hours. He is the only American I have ever met who is deeply ashamed of his country, its politics and its role in world politics. Unlike most Americans I met or we read about he seems to like more like a Canadian and see many serious issues with his country: gun laws, obesity, education, health care, poverty, to name a few. I wish he had been here the first day I got here, it would have been nice to spend longer with him. As it was I was sorry to have to catch some sleep. Lights out by midnight.