Friday, October 14, 2016

Week Two Term Four

Another week of swimming.

The city skyline from Albert Park where the MSAC swimming complex is.
Going our way?
Arndt, Trish and Christelle.

October 10-14th.
This week we had swimming in the afternoon again. One day when we went outside and the bus wasn't there, the kids promptly started to hitch-hike. They had heard about that in the story I was reading to the class, so they decided to try it. It was cute and they were having fun. On the Friday, after the lesson they were given ten minutes in the wave pool as a celebration of the end of the two week program. They loved that.

Professional learning time this week was about anaphylaxis and epipens. This is compulsory every two years. On Monday, our school nurse lead a workshop about the topic and then on Tuesday we had to take an on line course, where we had to read the information and answer some basic questions to get our certificate. But realistically, after all the times I have been instructed about epipens and the workshop on Monday, I didn't need to read the information on line and just browsed through it to get to the quizzes. The questions were very simple and common sense, and if you did get one wrong they gave you a second chance (really good with True and False questions!). I told Don, that if we gave our kids this kind of test they'd all get A's.

On Friday night I went to Crystelle's for dinner. She teaches the French half of the grade one binome. I met her the first time we had an after school drink on a Friday back in February. We were the only two there for the first half hour and when she found out I was on exchange, she said she should invite me our for dinner... and viola! Eight months later it happened. I met her two sons Sam, who goes to our school, and Tom who will start next year and her husband Arndt, who is German. We had a good time talking about lots of things and little about teaching. Later, Trish came over too. She is a retired teacher who is filling in for a few weeks and working with Crystelle. We had a couple of drinks and hamburgers. Good night.

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